CLimate Stories

Anacostia Watershed Society

Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) has a long ​standing commitment to environmental literacy and outdoor ​education programs. In April 2022, the Board of Education ​expanded this when they approved a Climate Change Action ​Plan (CCAP) with eight priority recommendations. The number ​one priority in the CCAP is to support environmental justice ​through climate curriculum, training, and partnerships.

The Veverka Family Foundation began supporting the Anacostia ​Watershed Society in 2018, who partnered with PGCPS to ​develop the Mussel Powers Program. It has now been ​implemented in the Biogeochemical Systems classrooms in all ​25 high schools and six middle schools. This highly successful ​program became an anchor for the CCAP.

The Mussel Power program is a multi-part program that includes ​professional development workshops for teachers, introductory ​classroom lessons for students, a field study on the Anacostia River, ​follow-up classroom work, and participation in an authentic mussel ​restoration project. The project enables teachers and students to ​engage in authentic restoration projects to help restore and protect ​the Anacostia River. The teachers continue to broaden the scope of ​wat​e​rshed lessons and introduce them to their colleagues.